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Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Intentions for Business Start-up Among Students of Ho Technical University in Ghana

Show simple item record Degue, Joel Kofi 2023-12-06T10:34:13Z 2023-12-06T10:34:13Z 2018-11
dc.identifier.isbn 23105496
dc.description ii,ill:77 en_US
dc.description.abstract This study examined the factors that influence entrepreneurial intention for business start-up among students of Ho Technical University in Ghana. Using the deductive research approach, the correlational study design and the multi-stage sampling method, 260 accounting, management and statistics students were selected to serve as subjects for the study, from a population of 804 students. All 260 students responded to the instrument after several follow-up were made by the researcher, hence a return rate of 100.00%. Data was collected from primary sources with the help of a questionnaire, using the self-administered questionnaire process. Ethical issues were considered. First of all, a pre-test was conducted to ensure validity and reliability of results. Data collection was aided by some of the lecturers in the school and covered a period of five weeks. The data collected were analysed, using descriptive and inferential statistics with the help of SPSS for windows version 21. The findings showed that students of Ho Polytechnic have conscious goals of becoming entrepreneurs sooner or later. However, the students did not have a well-functioning support infrastructure to support the start-up of new firms. Further analysis disclosed that the relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention for business start-up among students was large and positive. The study concluded that entrepreneurial intention is predicted by personal attitude, perceived behavioural control, subjective norm, and entrepreneurship education (perceived educational support) in students of Ho Technical University. The study recommends that the management of Ho Technical University, with support from government, should provide a well-functioning support infrastructure to support the start-up of new firms by students. en_US
dc.language English en
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.subject Entrepreneurial intention en_US
dc.subject Entrepreneurship education en_US
dc.subject Perceived behavioural control en_US
dc.subject Personal attitude en_US
dc.title Factors Influencing Entrepreneurial Intentions for Business Start-up Among Students of Ho Technical University in Ghana en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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