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Challenges teachers encounter in teaching literature in selected senior high schools in northern region of ghana

Show simple item record Moisob, Gundow Jacob 2025-01-29T14:28:22Z 2025-01-29T14:28:22Z 2024-03
dc.description ix,151p; , ill. en_US
dc.description.abstract Literature in English is a highly beneficial academic subject to both teachers and students in schools. However, some students and teachers seem not to be interested in literature as they think they do not have the complex skill needed to read literary texts. Thus, students’ general performance in the subject over the years is far from encouraging. Therefore, this study was conducted to find out the challenges teachers encounter in teaching literature-in English in some selected senior high schools in the Northern Region of Ghana. The study aimed at soliciting teachers’ views towards the teaching of literature. The researcher took a descriptive technique to answering the study's questions. A case study which adopted both qualitative and quantitative methods was used in analyzing the data. The target group was all Literature-in-English / English Language teachers from the selected schools. The population size of the teachers comprised fourteen (14) teachers of Literature-in-English in ZAM SHS, eleven (11) teachers of Literature-in-English in YAM SHS and 10 teachers of Literature-in- English in TAM SHS. In sum, the total population of teachers for the study was thirty-five (35) teachers. Data was collected through questionnaires, interviews and observation of classroom lessons. Interestingly, one of the key findings in this study was that Literature in English teachers are not well prepared or trained to teach the subject. They teach literature not because they are experts, but probably because there are few trained teachers to handle it. The study also found out that students' overall lack of English language abilities makes it difficult for them to comprehend literature-in English. Teachers were also of the view that literature lessons in senior high schools are mostly taught using the teacher-centered method. It was recommended that the teaching of English language in basic schools should be strengthened and strictly enforced. Reading skills should be effectively taught and schools should be encouraged to form reading clubs. Similarly, Ministry of Education (MOE), Ghana Education Service (GES) and Heads of Schools should organize periodic workshops to train in-service English Language and Literature in English teachers on how to tackle possible challenges they might encounter while teaching literature. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.title Challenges teachers encounter in teaching literature in selected senior high schools in northern region of ghana en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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