Fact01ial mating design was used to generate twenty-five hybrids from five male stelile (A- lines) and five male fertile (R-lines) parents. Ten parents and twenty five hybrids were eva11Y1ted in a Randomised Complete Block Design replicated 3 fimes. Analysis of varimce showed significant differences beWeen crosses (male x female interacfion) for plant height, 1000 seed weight and grain yield. High heterotic value of 692.03 0 0 for grain }ield was recorded. Hyblids that exhibited high heterotic value for grain yield, likewise has high value for yield components; panicle length, panicle weight, 1000 seed weight and number of seed per panicle. Nanow sense heritability was low for seedling vigour, åys to 50% bloom plant height, panicle weight, number of seed/panicle and grain }ield. Moderate hefitability was obtained for panicle length and 1000 seed weight, thus preponderance of non-adcmre gene action for all traits studied The best all round hybrids identified from this study MAI OAR 71143, OxNR71146, MAI OxNR71167 and