The essential role of radiotherapy is to ensure detection and treatment of breast
Cancers using appropriate doses, these seem not to harm patients under review.
Unintended detriments in the treatment and the risk of secondary cancers are
Mostly associated with delivering much higher doses than planned dose. This
Study focused on using phantoms for the determination, and comparison of
Planned doses with actual doses delivered to the breast, during radiation
Treatment. Adelaide phantoms were constructed using locally procured
Materials to mimic the surrounding tissues of the human female thoracic cavity.
Balloons, mango seed, cassava stick and candle were radiologically assessed
And used as surrogates for the lung, heart, spinal cord and glandular tissue of the
Breast respectively. EBT3 film dosimeter was used with the standard
(anthropomorphic) and Adelaide phantoms to measure doses absorbed by the
Breast and non-target organs; the doses were delivered from Co-60 and linear
Accelerator systems. Monte Carlo N-Particle transport code was also used on a
Virtual phantom to compute the dose distribution from the cobalt machine. The
Spinal cord absorbed the lowest dose of 0.03 ±0.02 Gy and 0.05+0.01 Gy, while
The left lung received the highest doses of 0.74+0.04 Gy and 0.78+0.01 Gy for
Co-60 and LINAC respectively. Based on the findings, it was clearly
Determined that the target organ received the expected dose within the
Acceptable tolerance level of 5%. Additionally, the non-target organs equally
Received a minimuim radiation dose according to required standards. A nonclinical
Significance differences of planned and delivered doses were achievable
Following appropriate quality control both with anthropomorphic and
Constructed phantoms.