An investigation of laser stimulated thermopower in chiral CNT in the
first Brillouin zone is presented. The electrical and thermal conductivities of a chiral CNT were calculated using a tractable analytical approach. This was
done by solving the Boltzmann kinetic equation with energy dispersion
relation obtained in the tight binding approximation to determine the electrical
and thermal properties of chiral carbon nanotubes. The electroconductivity o
and the electron thermal conductivities Xcz, Xzz along the circumferential and
axial directions respectively of laser induced chiral CNT are calculated. The
resistivity p and differential thermoelectric power acz along the circumferential and axia az obtained. The results obtained are numerically analyzed. The
parameters a, p and x are found to oscillate in the presence of laser radiations.
We have also noted that the presence of the laser source lowered the figure of
merit. The figure of merit is enhanced mainly by increasing As or decreasing
Az in the presence of the laser. At room temperature (300K) the value of ZT
recorded for the chiral CNT in the presence of laser was greater than one.
Based on our findings we propose the prospect of using a
monochromatic laser induced chiral carbon nanotube as a good quality and
highly efficient thermoelement.