This study aims at extending the analytical capabilities of an existing X-ray
fluorescence spectrometer, in order to provide accurate, cost-effective
analytical technique for REEs analysis. This was achieved through the
integration of Am-24l excitation-based system into the existing Ag anode-Xray
tube spectrometer (EXP-I) in the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) laboratory of
Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) for the analysis of rare-earth
elements (REE). With the attached Am-241 excitation-based system the
following REEs were identified and quantified;Sc, y, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Cd
and ET. The "Elemental Sensitivities Method" was employed in the
development of the quantitative analysis of the identified REEs. These results
were confirmed by the Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) and
the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) analytical
technique. On the other hand, the current EXP-I could only identify and
quantify the following REEs; Sc ,Y, and Eu. Comparative analysis of the
results of the Am-241 excitation-based system with ICP-MS and INAA
technique established 80% of the reliability and accuracy of the attached Am-
241 excitation-based system as alternative for analysis of REEs. This was
confirmed by the statistical results which gave R2 values higher than 0.95,
slopes close to I, and intercept close to zero (0). This means that, the results
obtained using the two methods were not found to be significantly different for
REEs. Consequently, the attached Am-24Iexcition-based expanded the scope
of analysis of REE elements for the existing XRF spectrometer (EXP-I). From
the validation using the IAEA-Soil 7 reference standard.