Information and Communication Technology is very important in all endeavours of human life in this modern society. Its benefits have been manifested in different areas including commerce on business model, market structure, workplace, labour market, education, health, private life and society as a whole. Based on the research objectives, interview and observation were the main instruments used for the study. Qualitative research approach was employed focusing on ethnological study. A sample size of 20 participants which consisted of 10 children and 10 parents were involved. From the interview and the observation, it was revealed that children had positive beliefs about learning ICT. They had the belief that ICT is very beneficial to their daily life activities as well as their future career. Children had much confidence in learning ICTs at home. The findings revealed that most children lack access to IT tools at home and the most common accessible ICT tools to the children were radio, television, tape recorder, and computer while complex ICT tools that demand software applications internet, combo games, video recorder, writing software were not common to them. Challenges children faced in accessing and using ICT tools were the high cost of ICTs tools, limited accessibility and network connection, negative perceptions, limited time, lack or inadequate knowledge and skills were the most challenging factors. It was recommended that community ICT resources centres should be established for cluster communities so that children can have access to other ICT tools to increase their access and boost their confidence level.