University of Cape Coast Institutional Repository

Nexus Of Agricultural-Land Use Policies And Landscape Dynamics In The Rainforest Agro-Ecological Zone Of Ghana

Show simple item record ADZIGBLI, WONDER KOFI 2025-01-23T14:30:28Z 2025-01-23T14:30:28Z 2023-12
dc.description xviii,218p:, ill. en_US
dc.description.abstract Despite the positive development, the Rain Forest-Agro-ecological Zone (RFAZ) is characterised by a loss of natural resources and inadequate food security systems. Studies conducted in the Ahanta West Municipality of the RFAZ concentrated on the biophysical features as a drive for landscape changes without highlighting how policies shape landscape dynamics. The study used various methods, including documentary review, structured and indepth interviews, and geospatial techniques. The study specifically assessed Rubber Outgrower Plantation Project (ROPP) and Norpalm Smallholder Scheme Project (NSSP) due to their deterrent development to the ecological growth of the landscape. The result established that ROPP does not satisfy the conservation pillar of sustainable landscape management. The transitional probability analysis showed that by 2032, the landscape will experience a shift from oil palm farming to rubber cultivation under the economic benefit scenario. Again, oil palm cultivation will be reduced under the social benefit scenario by 15.52%, while there was an increase in the ecological protection scenario (16.83%). The study also identified that crop production, population growth, and land tenure were the main factors that drove the adoption of ROPP and NSSP on the landscape. The results further pointed out that converting croplands to rubber might affect future food security and human well-being. The study recommends that the Food and Agriculture Department of the Ahanta-West district assembly regulate cash crop farmers' activities in the landscape. Land Use and Spatial Planning Authority should also educate farmers on land use decision-making toward rubber cultivation. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University Of Cape Coast en_US
dc.subject Policy Landscape dynamics, Rainforest Agro-ecological Zone, Rain Forest Agro-ecological landscape, Rubber Outgrower Plantation Project, Norpalm Smallholder, Plantation project en_US
dc.title Nexus Of Agricultural-Land Use Policies And Landscape Dynamics In The Rainforest Agro-Ecological Zone Of Ghana en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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