Causes and effects of indiscriminate waste disposal within the Tema Metropolitan Assembly area is the topic of study. What prompted the study has been the realization of generally poor state of sanitation within the municipality. The objective of the study therefore was to examine the causes and effects of indiscriminate waste disposal in the Tema Metropolis. The descriptive survey design was adopted for the study with its population being all residents of Tema aged 15 years and above including males and females. A sample of 403 subjects comprising 396 residents and seven (7) key informants were used for the study. The quota, systematic and convenience sampling techniques were employed in selecting the respondents. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 16 and presented on Tables and Charts.
It became evident that the reasons for indiscriminate disposal of refuse in the study area include inadequate dumping sites or collection containers coupled with irregular removal of filled refuse containers by the Tema Municipal Assembly. It also became evident that the TMA is constrained by inadequate funds and equipment which further compound the problem. The study recommended that research to find efficient and affordable latrine technologies for adoption by all residents; reviewing of TMA bye-laws to make them more deterring; the institution of a sanitation fund into which all companies operating within the Metropolis should contribute; and the establishment of public education unit within the Assembly.