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Stakeholder perception on factors influencing NGO collaboration with government in health education in the Tema Metropolis

Show simple item record Sey, Eric Ebo 2016-09-19T12:06:14Z 2016-09-19T12:06:14Z 2013
dc.identifier.issn 23105496
dc.description xi,85p.:ill en_US
dc.description.abstract The providers of health education (HE) have generally included non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and government organisations (GOs). To avoid the duplication of effort and ensure efficiency, it has become necessary for NGOs and GOs to collaborate in the provision of health services.The purpose of this study was to determine stakeholder perception on factors influencing collaboration between GOs and NGOs based on organisations sampled from the Tema Metropolis in Ghana. From the assessable organisations, key informants were sampled using a simple random technique to select a total of sixty (60) respondents with thirty (30) each from the GOs and NGOs. The study identified the key factors that facilitate successful collaboration between NGOs and GOs to include frequent communication, a good purpose and a favourable policy environment along with the roles and responsibilities that characterise an effective collaboration. The study also discusses the major constraints to NGOs and GOs collaboration to include differing institutional goals, incompatible management processes and intrusive stakeholder interest. It concludes with discussions on the strategies that facilitate NGO and GO collaboration relationships to include parity and participative strategies, open and frequent communication and trust among partners. It recommends guidelines for implementation of collaboration projects to include the adoption of joint monitoring and evaluation teams and the signing of MoUs to cover projects. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.subject Health education en_US
dc.subject Health services en_US
dc.subject Collaboration projects en_US
dc.subject Collaboration in health education en_US
dc.subject NGO and GO relations en_US
dc.subject Tema Metropolis en_US
dc.subject Non-Governmental Organisations en_US
dc.subject Ministry of Health en_US
dc.title Stakeholder perception on factors influencing NGO collaboration with government in health education in the Tema Metropolis en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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