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In vitro growth of dwarf cavendish banana plantlets in different culture vessels and light intensities

Show simple item record Buah, John Nelson 2021-02-23T14:08:04Z 2021-02-23T14:08:04Z 2016
dc.identifier.issn 23105496
dc.description 10p:, ill. en_US
dc.description.abstract The growth and multiplication of a local Cavendish banana called “Kwadu Pa” was investigated under three different light intensities and three types of culture vessels. The light intensities were 4000, 5000 and 6000 Lux with glass, plastic bottles and conical flask as the vessel types. Each of the treatments for light intensity and vessel type were replicated 50 times and cultures were arranged in a completely randomized fashion. They were cultured for 16 weeks and data was taken on mean shoot fresh weight, number of shoots per plantlet, shoot dry weight, leaf chlorophyll content and shoot height. Plantlets that were cultured in conical flask under the three different light intensities had higher values for all the parameters measured under the different light intensities. Among the light intensities, plantlets that were cultured under 5000 Lux showed superior growth and multiplication compared to those cultured under 4000 and 6000 Lux. At light intensities above 5000 Lux, growth characteristics and chlorophyll content declined significantly. Conical flask as a culture vessel and photon flux of 5000 Lux were optimal for the in vitro growth and multiplication of banana. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.subject Cavendish banana en_US
dc.subject Chlorophyll en_US
dc.subject Vessel type en_US
dc.subject Photon flux en_US
dc.title In vitro growth of dwarf cavendish banana plantlets in different culture vessels and light intensities en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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