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Measuring and analyzing particle size in a geomorphic context

Show simple item record Switzer, Adam D 2021-08-25T10:37:53Z 2021-08-25T10:37:53Z 2013
dc.identifier.issn 23105496
dc.description 30p:, ill. en_US
dc.description.abstract Measuring the particle-size distribution of sediments is a fundamental tool in geomorphology. Boulder- and cobble-size material is generally measured by direct measurement whereas a wide variety of techniques are available to determine grain-size distributions for sand- to clay-dominated sediments. Commonly, a combination of methods is needed and no particular technique can be considered 'more accurate' or 'more precise' than another. This chapter reviews the main techniques used to obtain the particle-size distribution of sediments samples and outlines some of the uses and limitations of each technique along with a commentary on popular methods to present grain-size data en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.subject Cobble-cam en_US
dc.subject Folk en_US
dc.subject Geomorphology en_US
dc.subject Grain size en_US
dc.subject Particle size en_US
dc.subject Sedimentation en_US
dc.subject Settling tube en_US
dc.subject Shepard en_US
dc.subject Sieving en_US
dc.subject Stokes law en_US
dc.subject Udden–Wentworth en_US
dc.subject Wolman pebble count en_US
dc.title Measuring and analyzing particle size in a geomorphic context en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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