In modern times establishing a dear
difference between rig h t and wrong actions in
midwifery is increasingly becoming difficult
because o f the overwhelming addition o f
constant evidence. The explosion and
availability o f information and civilization has
increased individual's awareness o f their
rights and options when it comes to childbirth.
Increasing demand fo r midwives to make
decisions based on their professional expertise
on one hand, and the desires and wishes o f
their clients, on the other hand, requires a
strong understanding o f ethics. Midwifery is
considered a relationship - based profession
due to the intimate nature o f the care
provided. The handling o f personal information,
physical contact, and psychological and educational
care that characterizes midwifery practice has the
potential to generate ethical issues. Several
ways o f improving ethics in midwifery has
been proposed in literature including the use
o f ethical theories, principles and codes o f
ethics among other strategies. The focus o f
this paper is to examine some o f the sources
o f conflict in childbirth and analyze the role o f
codes, principles and theories in childbirth
ethics. The author, from a personal po in t o f
view, provides arguments to support the need
to approach ethical issues in childbirth from a
relational ethics perspective.