UCC IR: Recent submissions

  • Yunus, Shemmira; Sefa-Ntiri, Baah; Anderson, Benjamin; Kumi, Francis; Mensah-Amoah, Patrick; Sackey, Samuel Sonko (University of Cape Coast, 2019-11-14)
    This study investigated the pore characterization of polyurethane (PU) foam as a necessary tep in water filtration membrane fabrication. Porous material characterization is essential for predicting membrane performance, ...
  • Aboh, Irene Korkoi; Vowotor, Michael K.; Druye, Andrews Adjei (University of Cape Coast, 2020)
    Background Epithermal instrumental neutron activation analysis (EINAA) technique is used for the determination and estimation of the concentration levels of micronutrients such as Sodium (Na), Magnesium (Mg), Potassium ...
  • Mensah, S.Y.; Mensah, N.G.; Elloh, V.W.; Banini, G.K.; Sam, Frederick; Allotey, F.K.A. (University of Cape Coast, 2005)
    The propagation of ultrasound is studied in bulk GaN semiconductor in the presence of a strong, ac field oscillating at a frequency much higher than that of the ultrasound. Analytical expressions have been obtained for the ...
  • Palazzi, E.; Petritoli, A.; Giovanelli, G.; Kostadinov, I.; Bortoli, D.; Ravegnani, F.; Sackey, S.S. (University of Cape Coast, 2004)
    A correct interpretation of diffuse solar radiation measurements made by Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) remote sensors require the use of radiative transfer models of the atmosphere. The simplest models ...
  • Issahaku, Shirazu; Mensah, Y. B.; Schandorf, Cyril; Mensah, S. Y.; Sackey, Theophilus; Dery, Theresa Bebaaku; Pokoo-Aikins, Mark; Eduful, Ernest Kojo (University of Cape Coast, 2017)
    In medical exposure dose to patients are determine by input parameters including mAs, kVp, pitch factor among other factors. The aim of this study is to provide procedure and protocol of how to assess patients’ dose (organ ...
  • Ishiekwene, G.C.; Mensah, S.Y.; Brown, C.S. (University of Cape Coast, 2000)
    An intensity-dependent change in ellipticity of an input light beam leads to a characteristic shift in polarization instability. The presence of dichroism gives rise to self-induced ellipticity effect in the polarization ...
  • Marcano, Aristides; Basaldua, Isaac; Villette, Aaron; Edziah, Raymond; Liu, Jinjie; Ziane, Omar; Melikechia, Noureddine (University of Cape Coast, 2013)
    We measured the photothermal lens signal in samples exhibiting high turbidity using a pump-probe scheme. We show that the photothermal lens signal properties remain nearly unchanged up to values of turbidity of 6 cm1 despite ...
  • Musah, Rabiu (University of Cape Coast, 2012)
    We used a complete tight-binding band structure of grapheme nanoribbon to obtain, for the first time, analytical techniques for observing photon assisted transport, and dynamic localization of electrons in the graphene ...
  • Sackey, S. S.; Mensah-Amoah, P.; Amoako, G.; Vowotor, M. K.; Sefa-Ntiri, B.; Birikorang, E. (University of Cape Coast, 2019)
    Microbial bacteria in well-water have been treated using three different radiations and efficiency of treatment determined. The radiations were SUV (Sun with UV); SNoUV (Sun with NoUV, sun with UV portion filtered out) and ...
  • Tchao, E.T.; Gadze, J.D. (University of Cape Coast, 2018)
    In Ghana and many countries within Sub-Sahara Africa, Long Term Evolution (LTE) is being considered for use within the sectors of Governance, Energy distribution and transmission, Transport, Education and Health. Subscribers ...
  • Francini, F.; Macchiarulo, M.; Tiribilli, B.; Buah-Bassuah, P. K. (University of Cape Coast, 1987)
    A device capable of measuring small displacements ~nd vibrati~ns o~ a n:oving body is .presented. A small mirror, firmly attached to the object unde~ mv.eStlgatlOn, defiect~ a paIr ~~laser beams onto two distinct photodetectors. ...
  • Anderson, Benjamin; Eghan, Moses Jojo; Asare-Bediako, Elvis; Buah-Bassuah, Paul Kingsley (University of Cape Coast, 2015-10-10)
    Cassava mosaic disease (CMD) is a major constraint to cassava production in cassava growing regions. Severity of CMD symptoms on cassava leaves is usually assessed visually using an arbitrary scale, which is semi-qualitative, ...
  • Opoku-Ansah, Jerry; Eghan, Moses Jojo; Anderson, Benjamin; Boampong, Johnson Nyarko; Edziah, Raymond; Adueming, Peter Osei-Wusu; Amuah, Charles Lloyd Yeboah (University of Cape Coast, 2019-11-11)
    Plasmodium alciparum (P. alciparum) malarial degree of infection, termed as parasite density (PD), estimation is ital for point of-care diagnosis and treatment of the disease. In this work, we present application of optical ...
  • Buah-Bassuah, Paul K; Vannoni, Maurizio; Molesini, Giuseppe (University of Cape Coast, 2017-02-21)
    A holographic process is presented where the object is made of the real image produced by a two-mirror system. Single-step reflection hologram recording is achieved. Details of the process are given, optics concepts are ...
  • Dompreh, K. A.; Mensah, N. G.; Sakyi-Arthur, D.; Mensah, S. Y. (University of Cape Coast, 2016)
    We present a theoretical study of acoustic phonons amplification in Carbon Nanotubes (CNT). The phenomenon is via Cerenkov emission (CE) of acoustic phonons using intraband transitions proposed by Mensah et. al., [1] in ...
  • Buah-Bassuah, Paul K.; Rojas, Rene; Residori, Stefania; Arecchi, F.T. (University of Cape Coast, 2005)
    We report a new type of drop instability, where the density difference between the drop and the solvent is negative. We show that the drop falls inside the solvent down to a minimum height, then fragmentation takes place ...
  • Ishiekwene, G.C.; Mensah, S.Y.; Brown, C.S. (University of Cape Coast, 2001)
    The nonlinear polarization effects in a birefringent single mode optical fiber are studied using Jacobi elliptic functions. We find that the polarization state of the propagating beam depends on the initial polarization ...
  • Abukaria, S. S.; Mensah, S. Y.; Musah, R.; Mensah, N. G.; Dompreh, K. A. (University of Cape Coast, 2015)
    We consider the tight-binding approximation for the description of energy bands of graphene, together with the standard Boltzmanns transport equation and constant relaxation time, an expression for the conductivity was ...
  • Mensah, S Y; Ahllotey, F.K.A; Mensah, N.G. (University of Cape Coast, 1999)
    The acoustoelectric effect in a semiconductor superlattice (SL) has been studied for a hypersound in the region ql 1 (where q is the acoustic wave number and l is the electron mean free path). A nonlinear dependence of ...
  • Essamuah, Rebecca kyerewa (University of Cape coast, 2020-10)
    A Decision Support System (DSS) tool as an analytical advancement of multiple indicators was adapted to give a synoptic yet holistic view of issues confronting coastal lagoons in Ghana for decision making. This study ...