The study aimed at investigating study habits and test anxiety as correlates
of the Senior High School students’ academic achievement in the Ekumfi
District in the Central Region of Ghana. Quantitative approach was employed
using descriptive survey design. The five Senior High Schools in the district
were purposively selected. Proportionate stratified random sampling was used
to obtain the sample size for each school. The simple random sampling
(lottery method) was used to select the three hundred and six participants for
the study. Questionnaire was used as main data collection instrument. The
overall reliability coefficient of the 68-items was 0.76 and 0.89 for study
habits and test anxiety respectively. The data collected was analysed using
percentages and frequencies, mean and standard deviations, independent
sample t-test and multivariate multiple linear regression. The findings from
study revealed that the students practiced a combination of all the study habit
domains which include: time management, concentration, homework and
assignment, time allocation, reading and note taking. The study showed that
generally, the students experienced high test anxiety. Again, it was discovered
that concentration-related study habits contribute significantly to students’
academic achievement. Based on these findings, it was recommended that the
Guidance and Counseling Coordinators of the Senior High Schools should be
equipped to tackle challenge of high test anxiety among the students in order
to boost their academic achievement.