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Exploring Values Implicit in Ghanaian Senior High School Mathematics Textbooks

Show simple item record Essien, Nicholas 2023-11-28T11:23:44Z 2023-11-28T11:23:44Z 2021-10
dc.description ii,ill:160 en_US
dc.description.abstract Mathematics as a field of study is mostly seen to be value and culture free. This assertion has however been refuted since values are contained in mathematics as a discipline and in its pedagogy but are often taught implicitly. The purpose of this research was to explore values implicit in best-selling Ghanaian SHS 1 core mathematics textbooks, considering the fact that not many research studies have gone into valuing in Mathematics. Teachers’ awareness level of values implicit in Mathematics as a discipline and its pedagogy were also explored. Four best-selling Ghanaian SHS 1 core mathematics textbooks as well as four Ghanaian SHS 1 core mathematics teachers were sampled purposively for the study. The data on values implicit in the four best-selling SHS 1 core mathematics textbooks were analysed using frequency distributions and percentages. Data collected from four SHS 1 Core Mathematics teachers considered for the study were also analysed. Findings from the data on the four best-selling Ghanaian SHS 1 Core Mathematics textbooks using checklist revealed that Objectism, Progress and Openness values were emphasised while Formalistic view, Theoretical knowledge, Instrumental learning, Accessibility, and Evaluation were also emphasised for Mathematical values and Mathematics Educational values respectively. How these values are conveyed were also presented. Teachers interviewed on the other hand were seen to have limited knowledge of values in mathematics as a discipline and in its pedagogies. Based on the findings, it is recommended that more research in Ghana should be centered on values in mathematics education. Workshops should be provided to mathematics educators to give them insight on values in mathematics. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.subject Exploring en_US
dc.subject Values en_US
dc.subject Implicit en_US
dc.subject Mathematics en_US
dc.title Exploring Values Implicit in Ghanaian Senior High School Mathematics Textbooks en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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