University of Cape Coast Institutional Repository

The Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome among Stroke Patients

Show simple item record Barnes, Precious Osei, Roland Saahene 2022-06-27T09:58:13Z 2022-06-27T09:58:13Z 2015
dc.identifier.issn 23105496
dc.description 5p:, ill. en_US
dc.description.abstract Background the metabolic syndrome has known as an independent risk factor of stroke. The occurrence of this syndrome is due to genetic factors and lifestyle.Methods:224 stroke patients were evaluated for this study. This was a cross-sectional study of stroke patients from Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital. Adult enrolees were eligible for inclusion. Other criteria for inclusion were patients with stroke within twenty-four hours of onset without any medication. Fasting blood sugar, lipid profile and blood pressure were measured. The National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III and WHO guidelines were used to determine the stroke patients. Results: Based on the NCEP criteria 46.88%were classified to have metabolic syndrome, while the WHO criteria gave 10.27% of the stroke patients to have metabolic syndrome. Beside of metabolic syndrome, prevalence of metabolic syndrome components was significantly higher in stroke patients Conclusion: Stroke patients have all the risk factors of metabolic syndrome. The general population should also be educated for primary prevention measures for all age groups and both genders. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.title The Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome among Stroke Patients en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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