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The Use Of Information Communication Technology For Students‟ Information Management In Accra Technical University Of Ghana.

Show simple item record Awonakie, Akwetey Freda 2025-01-30T16:11:21Z 2025-01-30T16:11:21Z 2023-09
dc.identifier.issn issn
dc.description xii, 130p; , ill. en_US
dc.description.abstract The study investigated the use of ICT in students‟ information management at the Accra Technical University. Specifically, the study explored the internal guidelines for Accra Technical University in Ghana‟s usage of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) for student information management, examined the types of ICT platforms employed at Accra Technical University for student information management, how ICTs are used to manage student information at Accra Technical University, and the challenges confronting the Accra Technical University of use of ICT for student information management. The qualitative approach and the explanatory-descriptive research designs were employed. A total of 13 participants (Administrative staff) of Accra Technical University participated were sampled for the study. A semi-structured interview guide was used to poll the views of the participants. The data was thematically analysed. The findings of the study revealed that the Accra Technical University adopt several internal guidelines and policies that regulates students‟ information management. Also, the Accra Technical University, utilizes various ICT platforms such as learning management systems, Student Information System, the School Management Information Systems, Electronic Portfolios, and the Student Response System online platform. The findings of the study revealed ICTs plays significant roles in students‟ information management. Notable among them are: it enhances speed and accuracy of collection and management, saves storage time and space, minimizes error in data collection and losses. The study recommends that ATU invests into training of its Administrative staff on ICT usage as well invest more into data security. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Cape Coast en_US
dc.subject Students Information, Higher Education Institutions, Information Communication Technology, University Administrators, Information Management, Technical University, Performance en_US
dc.title The Use Of Information Communication Technology For Students‟ Information Management In Accra Technical University Of Ghana. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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