Work-life balance has become major factor in modern trends in human
resource management that will enable direct relationship between competent
and committed organization and its employees.
Studies in the work-life balance literatures have shown that work-life balance
has some influence on employees‘ performance but has not been conclusive.
The study moves out to investigate the relationship between of work-life
balance and employees‘ performance at Volta River Authority, Western Area
work location. Having use quantitative correlation design, census sampling
method, interview schedule, multiple regression and statistical software
program SPSS_20 for analysis. The study revealed that geographical location
and physical/health fitness significantly influence employees‘ performance. It
was discovered that geographical location and physical/health fitness
significantly influence employees‘ output. Work-life balance has no
significant influence on employees‘ quality of work. Work-life balance has no
significant influence on employees‘ punctuality. In this regard, it is
recommended that managers and supervisors should pay more attention to
geographical location and physical/health fitness to drive employees‘
performance. Besides, the study recommends that managers and supervisors
should consider geographical location and physical/health fitness in order to
increase employees‘ output.